2019年7月23日,应化学化工学院邀请,美国德克萨斯A&M大学Virender K.Sharma教授访问我校化学化工学院,并在桃李学术论坛做了题为“High-Valent Iron Species(Ferrates): Energy and environmental Applications”的专题报告。报告会由褚海斌教授主持,化学化工学院院长张军教授、王春燕教授、明佳林研究员等多位教师与研究生参加了报告会。Virender K.Sharma教授首先介绍了高铁酸盐在天然纳米颗粒毒性形成以及在磁性石墨烯纳米材料中的应用。重点讲解了高铁酸盐在去除和降解金属及有机污染物的过程中的应用。精彩的报告深深地吸引了在座的老师和学生。报告之后大家纷纷提问,与Sharma教授进行了深入的讨论。
Dr. Virender K. Sharma is currently a Professor at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University. He is also serving as the Director of the Program of Environment and Sustainability of the SPH. Dr. Sharma has made seminal contributions in the areas of chemistry and environmental applications of ferrates. Dr. Sharma has also made key contributions in elucidating stabilization and toxicity of natural nanoparticles in an aquatic environment, resulting in an impact on human and ecological health. He is also working on understanding mechanism of the formation of disinfection byproducts in water. His research also includes studying environment fate of environmentally persistent free radicals and antibiotics resistant bacteria and genes. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Sharma has also published 55 book chapters, 36 proceedings, and authored/edited 8 books. His distinguish awards include Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Faculty Excellence in Research by Florida Tech, Outstanding Chemist by the American Chemical Society (Orlando Section), Outstanding Distinguish Scientist Award by Sigma Xi (Texas A&M University Chapter), International Fellowship awarded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Invited Professorship by University of Paris, France.

图一为Virender K. Sharma教授与学院部分师生合影
图二为Virender K. Sharma教授为学院师生作讲座